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Shin Maou Golvellius > Commentaires :

Shin Maou Golvellius

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2 commentaires

le 13/03/2012
Edité le 13/03/2012
Thanks for the information, i add it

Actually, the "Aussi appelé / As know As" part of a rpg entry is a part dedicated to all names that may have a game, in order to assist in searchs (people who tip Golvellius 2 will find this entry, try!). And Shin Maou is mostly know as Golvellius 2 on the internet, that's why.
le 12/03/2012
Edité le 13/03/2012
This isn't actually Golvellius 2. This is still Golvellius 1, with the same story, setting and ending. This MSX version is longer than the Sega Master version and has cutscenes, but it's not a continuation. There was never a Golvellius 2.
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