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The Fire Crystal > Fiche complète du jeu

The Fire Crystal

Informations Générales

Plate-forme : pc98

Genre : drpg

Nombre de joueur(s) : 1

Appartient au(x) groupe(s) : Black Onyx,

Aussi sur : fm msx pc88

Aussi appelé : The Black Onyx II

Nom original : ザファイヤークリスタル

Développeur(s) : ???,

Chara-designer(s) : ???,

Compositeur(s) : ???,

Remake/portage de show_hide
Remaké/porté en show_hide
Jeu(x) en relation / Add-ons show_hide
1 membre le possède

japon ??/09/1984

Editeur : BPS

The Fire Crystal > Commentaires :

The Fire Crystal


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voir aussi Commentaires fm [0] msx [0] pc88 [0]
1 commentaire

le 21/11/2014

This is a piece of history: the complete The Black Onyx series, the first hit computer role-playing game created in Japan for the Japanese market. Dutch computer programmer Henk Rogers following the girl he loved. He got an NEC PC-8801 computer, wrote The Black Onyx for it, and established the company B.P.S. in order to market and sell it. The game was SO big, he had to split the game into two parts, creating The Fire Crystal as the second chapter. The game was a hit, inspiring an RPG revolution in Japan and directly influencing games such as Dragon Quest.

The Black Onyx may be the first CRPG to use a colored health bar that turns from blue to red instead of hit points in a numeric display. This mechanic broke from the RPG genre and can be seen in countless other games.

Rogers later became famous as the man who teamed up with Alexey Pajitnov and negotiated for the distribution rights to Tetris from Soviet-era Russia.

The Black Onyx was Rogers' first game.

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